Sheep for Sale

MG Dorpers Sheep For Sale
Our Sires

DK1021 (aka Thor)
Typed C5/T5 in 2022 Thor is a beautiful ram with excellent balance and conformation.
We had a few girls bred by him thanks to DK Dorpers :)

1029 (aka Chunky)
Chunky is our new main ram and is a superb 5 in all SA typing categories with 100% genetics from Dell Dorpers in Australia.

819 (Aka Hulk)
Hulk is Type 4 and a beautiful ram up close with great front muscle he has thick legs and a nice strong neck with great conformation.
he produces lovely offspring!
*I sold Hulk in December 2023 but still have some genetics from him and a couple mamas are pregnant due Mid January!

Champion, our original ram sadly passed away January 2023 and we had our last lamb left from him pass away 2023 as well. Though he passed away Champion did so much for this flock and was the best first ram ever.